#thankfulfor Tweet trend

Are you on Twitter?

     If you are anything like me, you probably don’t know the difference between a tweet and a trend.  Several months ago, I asked a twenty-something to explain the Twitterworld to me.  After three hours I still didn’t get it, and my tweet-free world remained unchanged.

     Recently, however, a good friend encouraged me to join her on this social medium, and in my ongoing effort to remain relevant in the 2010s, I decided to give it a try.  Signing up was a breeze.  Then I tried looking for people to follow.  Well, but for my previously mentioned friend, it doesn’t look like my posse has jumped into Twitterdom.  Hey ladies, it is time to figure out what your kids already know.

     Just sign-up here.  You will be prompted to look for friends and interests to follow (don’t forget to follow me, listed as Alison Fauls).  Then help me try to get a trend going.

     You know how you hear Natalie Morales on the Today Show always mention what is trending online?  With Thanksgiving only five days away, let’s get a trend going about what we are thankful for (I know that I shouldn’t be ending a sentence in a preposition, but it just doesn’t work otherwise).  In the box on Twitter where you can add a Tweet, type in what you are thankful for and finish it with #thankfulfor.  Then hit the blue Tweet button that shows up.

     Can’t wait to see if we can get a positive trend going.  How cool would it be to hear it mentioned on the Today Show?  Listen to that little blue bird calling to you to take the challenge and get tweeting.

2 Comments on “#thankfulfor Tweet trend”

  1. Stacia says:

    Ahhhh, I can’t believe I’m being challenged by my best friend to join Twitter!!! I’ll take the challenge though:) Imagine how surprised my daughter will be when I “follow” her! LOL!

  2. srktz says:

    Beat you to it A….I’ve been registered on twitter for years but have rarely tweeted. Can’t believe anyone would be remotely interested in anything I could tweet!!! Have found it interesting in times of crisis or war….sometimes the news will get through that way and no other. I like your idea about Thanksgiving and plan to participate as often as it occurs to me! Thanks for the nudge!!

Please let me know what you think about this post or if you want to share any of your Fabulous Finds.